| archivio storico

unità 33 "Italian Flood Relief"


50 ca. docc.


CRIA - Committee for the Restoration of Italian Art
incl: Constable, W(illiam) (George) TLS photocopy Dec. 12, 1966. Hartt, Frederick TLS Jan. 4, 1967. TLS photocopy Jan. 4. 1967. Houghton, Arthur Amory Jr. TLS photocopy Dec. 9, 1966. Houghton, Betty (Mrs. Arthur A.) 3 TLS Dec. 14, 1966; Jan. 19, 1967; June 15, 1967. Kristeller, Paul Oskar TLS photocopy Dec. 8, 1966. Stevens, Roger L. to Bates Lowry TLS photocopy May 15, 1967. Warburg, Edward M.M. TLS Dec. 20, 1966. (F3) ALS photocopy Dec. 8, no year. Florentine Relief Fund c. 25 items (F4) Venice Committee c. 40 items incl: McAndrew, John 10 TLS: March 19, 1970; July 11, 1970; Dec. 10, 1970; Jan. 9, 1971; April 7, 1971; April 23, 1971; April 30, 1971; May 25, 1971; July 19, 1972; Oct. 3, 1972.


Constable, William George Hartt, Frederick Houghton, Arthur Amory Jr. Houghton, Betty Kristeller, Paul Oskar Stevens, Roger L. Lowry, Bates Warburg, Edward M.M. McAndrew, John


Florentine Relief Fund Venice Committee

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 2.33

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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