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sottofascicolo 7 g) Reader response to article July 21, 1961 by Philip Horton Revivalism on the Far Right


Letters 276, tear sheets 30, printed items


Some letters w. replies from PH and editorial staff. Re: Anti-Communist Movement in the U.S. incl: (16) Ellsworth, Ralph E. Photocopy TLS July 20, 1961 Ettinger, Richard P. Form letter TL: Undated (to principals of high schools) Kennedy, John F. (to B. Rogers) Reprint Sept. 9, 1960. Kizer, Benjamin, H. TLS July 14, 1961. Neilson, Walter M. ALS Aug. 1, 1961. Newberry, Mike TLS undated. Nixon, Richard (to Dr. Blair Rogers) Reprint Sept. 8, 1960.


Nixon, Richard Milhous Newberry, Mike Neilson, Walter M. Kizer, Benjamin H. Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Ettinger, Richard P. Ellsworth, Ralph E. Horton, Philip Rogers, Blair

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Max Ascoli, 1.3.7

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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