sottofascicolo 7 g) Letters 1956 re: debate between MA and Arthur Schlesinger "The Future of Liberalism"
May 1956 issue of The Reporter Mailing lists and pre-publication letter to people from whom MA wished commentary. Article re: article by A.A. Berle, Jr. Typescript, 5 p. incl: (8) Case, Clifford P. 2 TLS May 8, May 28, 1956. Finletter, Thomas K. TLS May 1, w. carbon typescript letter to the editor, 2 pp. Hard, William TLS June 5, 1956. Hoffman, Paul TLS May 31, 1956. Kefauver, Estes TLS May 3, 1956. Keyserling, Leon H. TLS April 30, 1956 w. 8 pp. carbon typescript commentary on article TLS May 1, 1956. Rabb, Maxwell TLS May 1, 1956. Rossiter, Clinton TLS May 9, 1956. Swisher, Perry TLS May 1, 1956 w. article typescript manuscript 6 pp., dated 5/10/56 from Intermountain re: The Reporter.
Schlesinger, Arthur Meir Case, Clifford P. Finletter, Thomas Knight Hard, William Hoffman, Paul Kefauver, Estes Keyserling, Leon H. Rabb, Maxwell Rossiter, Clinton Swisher, Perry Berle, Adolf Augustus
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.2.7
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni