sottofascicolo 5 "e) Farago [Ladislas]"
Newsclippings, manuscripts 10, correspondence: TLS 24, CTL 17, TL 12 ,ALS1, Telegram 1
Folder 4
1) Manuscripts
a) "The Anatomy of FBI Reports" Carbon typescript, 39 p.
b) "Cohn & Schine vs. Rushmore" Carbon typescript, 6 p. June 14, 1953.
c ) "Confidential #6" Typescript, 14 p., Aug. 21, 1953.
d) "Confidential #7" Typescript, 9 p., Aug. 22, 1953.
e) "Confidential #9" Typescript, 7 p., Sept. 21, 1953.
f) "Facts and Figures of the McCarthy Investigations in 1953" Carbon typescript, 44 p.
g) "McCarthy and the 'Voice'" Typescript, 5 p., May 3, 1953.
h) "Political Publicity & Psychological Warfare" Carbon typescript, 23 p.
i) "Preliminary Report" Typescript, 14 p., Nov. 13, 1953.
j) Holograph receipt, signed June 3, 1954.
2) Correspondence from Farago
a) 19 TLS: June 18, June 30, June 30, July 13, Aug. 27, (on postcard), Oct. 13, Oct. 21, Nov. 13, Dec. 19, Dec. 23, 1953; March 25, April 4, April 4, 1954; June 4, 1953; Aug. 3, Aug. 4, Aug. 19 (incomplete), Aug. 21, Aug. 27, 1954.
b) 12 TL: March 29, March 30, June 18, June 18, July 27, Oct, 5, Oct. 13, Oct. 13, Dec. 18, 1953; May 27, Aug. 18, 1954.
c) ALS July 27, 1954.
d) Telegram: Aug. 10, 1953.
e) CTL to Homer Bigart Apr. 4, 1954.
Box 150
f) "Ettinger, Bessenyey, Bogolepov, et. al. (Committee Informers)" Folder 1
1) "Shock Treatment" by Gabor de Bess. Mimeo, 36 p.
2) Tearsheets.
3) Manuscripts - Carbon typescript & typescript (some w. holo. corr.); Mimeo. ca. 150 p.
4) Holograph notes, 15 p. Folder 2
g) "3 W's Notes" Typescript & carbon typescript w. holo. corr.; telegram; page proofs. Folder 3
h) "Editorial" Carbon typescript, galleys & page proofs for editorial "The Time Has Come, Mr. President" by Max Ascoli.
i) "Editorial, T of C, Notes, Correspondence" Carbon typescript w, holo. corr. mss., 23 p.; page proofs & galleys. Folder 4
j) "Editorial, T of C, Notes, Correspondence" Various drafts of editorials and letters to the editor; carbon typescript (some w. holo. corr.) ca. 60 p,; mock-ups; galleys & page proofs.
k) Miscellaneous or unidentified research materials. Carbon typescript notes; newsclippings; tearsheets; photocopies; holograph notes, correspondence. Folder 5 e 6
Farago, Ladislas Bigart, Homer
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.1.5
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni