sottofascicolo 7 "g) Memos and correspondence"
CTL 175; TLS 21; carbon telegrams 3; telegrams 2; ALS 1; TL 1
203 docc.
("Carbons of letters written by (1) Philip Horton in May 1951 asking for information on the Lobby." With a list of the correspondents.) incl: Caldwell, John C. 2 TLS: March 22, 1952; Apr. 5, 1952. Krentz, Kenneth ALS March 18, 1952. Vincent, John Carter TLS Feb. 13, 1952. Woetzel, Robert K. 2 TLS: Apr. 13, 1952; May 3, 1952.
Woetzel, Robert K. Carter, Vincent John Krentz, Kenneth Caldwell, John Cope Horton, Philip
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.2.7
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni