| archivio storico

unità 26 "Z. Goldman - High Costs of Drugs"


1. Goldman, Phyllis and Robert
a) "The Cost of Prescription Drugs." Carbon typescript, 42 p. b) "Prescription Drugs: Their Promotion and Prices" Carbon typescript w. holo. corr., 35 p.
c) Robert Goldman TLS Oct. 16, 1958.
2. Schneir, Walter
a) TLS July 8, 1959.
b) "Comments and Suggestions on the Goldman and Haseltine manuscript on Prescription Drugs: Their Promotion and Prices" Carbon typescript w. holo. corr., 6 p.


Goldman, Phyllis Goldman, Robert Schneir, Walter

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.26

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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