unità 24 "X. William R. Frye"
1. TLS Oct. 9, 1956.
2. 3 Memos - Feb. 8, Feb. 23, March 8, 1955.
3. Article on Ambassador Bohlen. Carbon typescript, 9 p.
4. Background briefing by John Foster Dulles, Sept. 27, 1955. Carbon typescript, 6 p.
5. "Briefing on Suez by John Foster Dulles - Oct. 6, 1956." Typescript w. holo. corr., 5 p.
6. "Condensed transcript of background briefing by John Foster Dulles." Telegram: June 28, 1955.
7. "Memo on Dulles" Photocopy of carbon typescript, 5 p.
8. "Memo on Nixon" Jan. 31, 1955. Typescript, 7 p.
Frye, William R. Bohlen Foster Dulles, John
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.24
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni