unità 12 "M"
Letters 50, mss. 3
53 docc.
incl: (1) McCail, Monica TL June 14, 1967. McCloskey, Mark TLS May 30, 1967. McCullough, Frances TLS on postcard, no date. Macrorie, Ken ALS on postcard Feb. 11, 1967. Maeroff, Gene I. TLS (photocopy) March 2, 1968. Malzberg, Barry TLS no date. Maritain, Jacques 3 mss.: "Some Reflections on the General Council" Photocopy of type script with holo. corr., 34 p. "Some Reflections. . . ." 2nd draft. Photocopy of typescript and carbon typescript of holo. corrections, 34 p. "Some Reflections. . . ." 3rd draft. Photocopy of printed pages w. holo. corrections, 18 p. Masters, Roger D. 5 TLS: April 18, May 4, Sept. 6, Sept. 20, 1967; Jan. 24, 1968. Mayne, Richard TLS Feb. 1, 1968. Mecklin, John Martin 2 TLS: Sept. 30, Nov. 9, 1967. Moore, Richard 4 ALS: April 8, Oct. 8, Oct. 21, Nov. 13, 1967. Morris, Donald R. TLS Feb. 13, 1968, Morris, Willie TLS Oct. 10, 1967. Russell, Diarmuid 2 TLS: Jan. 25, June 28, 1967.
McCall, Monica McCloskey, John Mark McCullough, Frances Macrorie, Ken Maeroff, Gene Malzberg, Barry N. Maritain, Jacques Masters, Roger Davis Mecklin, John Martin Mayne, Richard Moore, Richard Morris, Donald R. Morris, Willie Russell, Diarmuid
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.12
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni