| archivio storico

unità 1 GA-GO (1947 - 1960)


Letters 90, ms. 1
91 docc.


incl: (6) Gardner Richard N. 4 letters and 1 ms., 1963-1965 and n.d. 3 TLS: April 28, 1965; Nov. 27, 1964; April 26, 1963; ALS Feb. 14, n.d. (with ms: "Expert Urges 'New Directions' in U.S. Trade and Aid Policies." Mimeographed typescript; 3 p.); Garrison Lloyd K. 4 letters, 1953-1958, 4 TLS: Jan. 20, 1958; July 13, 1956; Oct. 20, Oct. 2, 1953; Garthoff Raymond L. TLS March 22, 1959; Gavin James M. 7 TLS unless noted otherwise, 1958-1962. Sept. 13, 1962; April 6, April 6, Feb. 5, CTL to Alastair Buchan Feb. 5, Jan. 14, 1959; Feb. 1, Kissinger Henry A. to JMG CTL Jan. 27, 1958; Gelatt Roland. TLS Nov. 8, 1960; Gelber Lionel 5 ALS: March 1, 1964; Sept. 21, 1963; Dec. 24, 1962; [March 14, 1962]; June 20, 1950; Girvetz Harry 6 TLS: May 6, March 11, 1963; Nov. 4, 1960; Feb. 27, Jan. 23, 1957; Sept. 24, 1956; Glenn John H., Jr. TLS July 5, 1962; Goldberg Arthur J. 2 TLS: Aug. 25, 1960 (with ms: "Democratic Platform." Typescript, 1 p.); Nov. 6, 1959; Good Robert C. 3 TLS: June 7, May 10, April 29, 1955; Goodhart Arthur TLS Jan. 5, 1967; Gordon Kermit TLS Nov. 29, 1947; Gottschalk Louis ALS May 6, 1949.


Gardner, Richard N. Garrison, Lloyd K. Garthoff, Raymond L. Gavin, James M. Buchan, Alastair Francis Kissinger, Henry Alfred Gelatt, Roland Gelber, Lionel Girvetz, Harry Glenn, John Herschel Jr. Goldberg, Arthur Joseph Good, Robert C. Goodhart, Arthur Lehman Gordon, Kermit Gottschalk, Louis

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.1

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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