unità 2 PF-PU
Letters 58, manuscripts 2, telegram 1
61 docc.
(9) Pflaum Irving 4 TLS: Nov. 28, May 4, 1950; Nov. 1, Sept. 28, 1949; Phillips William TLS Sept. 30, 1952; Philipson Morris 4 TLS: June 16, May 29, 1959; Aug. 26, to EP Sept. 5, 1958; Pike James A. TLS March 8,1955; Pines Maya 2 TLS: May 5, 1958 (with ms: story suggestions. Typescripts w. holo. corr., 2 p.); Jan. 28, 1958; Pitzele Merlyn S. TLS June 4, 1958; Podhoretz Norman TLS July 23, 1965; Porter Katherine Anne TLS Jan. 5, 1957; Porter Sylvia F. TLS Dec. 1, 1948; Possony Stefan T. TLS June 10, 1951; 3 ALS: Oct. 19, Oct. 12, 1949; Oct. 3, 1949; Praeger Frederick A. CTL to GP Nov. 28, 1958; TLS Aug. 6, 1956; Proskauer Joseph M. TLS April 27, 1959; Pusey Nathan M. Photocopy TLS May 7, 1964.
Pflaum, Irving Phillips, William Philipson, Morris Pike, James A. Pines, Maya Pitzele, Merlyn S. Podhoretz, Norman Porter, Katherine Anne Porter, Sylvia Field Possony, Stefan Thomas Praeger, Frederick A. Proskauer, Joseph M. Pusey, Nathan M.
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.2
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni