| archivio storico

unità 1 RA-RI


Letters 67, mss. 3
70 docc.


incl: (1) Raskin A.H. TLS June 26, 1964; Rama Rau Santha TLS March 13, 1963; Redmond D.G. 2 TLS: March 1, Feb. 12, 1951; Reeves Nancy TLS July 16, 1960; Reid Escott TLS Oct. 22, 1958 (with ms: "Canada and the United States: Neighbors and Allies." Mimeo­graphed typescript w. holo. note, 8 p. on 4 l.); Reid Helen Rogers 2 TLS: July 3, 1957; July 31, 1953; Reuss Henry S. 6 TLS unless noted otherwise, 1955-1964. Jan. 22, 1964; Photocopy TLS: April 6, 1959; Aug. 4, May 5, 1958; Nov. 28, Photocopy TLS March 24, 1955; Ribicoff Abraham TLS Sept. 17, 1954; Ridgway M.B. TLS Jan. 2, 1959; Riesel Victor TLS Jan. 4, 1949; Ritchie Charles TLS Sept. 9, 1960; Kissinger Henry A. TLS May 11, 1960. (Filed w. Ritter Klaus)


Raskin, A.H. Rama Rau, Santha Redmond, D.G. Reeves, Nancy Reid, Escott Reid, Helen Rogers Reuss, Henry Schoellkopf Ribicoff, Abraham Ridgway, Mathew Bunker Riesel, Victor Ritchie, Charles Kissinger, Henry Alfred Ritter, Klaus

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.1

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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