| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 17 WOLL-WOODY


100 ca. docc.


incl: (9) Wolman, Harold to Philip Horton 3 TLS and 1 ms: May 3, April 12, March 29, 1967 (with ms: "George Romney in Michigan" Typescript, 1 p.) Wolozin, Harold 4 TLS: to Robert Bingham Jan. 21, 1963; 2 to Philip Horton: Feb. 15, 1963, Feb. 23, 1961; to Hans Landsberg Jan. 12, 1961. Wolseley, Roland E. to Philip Horton TLS Jan. 31, 1961. Woodcock, George to Louisa Messolonghites (unless other­wise noted) 4 TLS: Dec. 30: Nov. 9; Nov. 19; to Irving Kristol, Oct. 13, 1959. Woods, Ralph L. to "Editors" TLS March 18, 1959. Woodward, C. Vann to Robert Bingham ALS Feb. 5; 5 TLS: Jan. 6, 1964; July 19, 1963; Oct. 30, Aug. 20, July 3, 1961.


Wolman, Harold Wolozin, Harold Wolseley, Roland E. Woodcock, George Woods, Ralph L. Woodward, C. Vann Horton, Philip Romney, George Bingham, Robert Landsberg, Hans H. Messolonghites, Louisa Kristol, Irving

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.24.17

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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