| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 6 WEA-WEIL


50 ca. docc.


incl: (6) Weaver, James H. to Louisa Messolonghites (unless other­wise noted) 3 TLS: Feb. 16, Feb. 11, 1961; to Gouverneur Paulding Dec. 12, 1960. Weaver, John C. to Philip Horton TLS Jan. 19, 1959, Weaver, Robert C. to Max Ascoli TLS March 15, 1960. Weaver, Warren, Jr. to Robert Bingham TLS Sept. 14, 1964. Weaver, William to Robert Bingham (unless otherwise noted) ALS July 2, [1962]; 2 TLS: June 11, 1962; to Philip Horton May 4, 1962. Weeks, Albert L. 10 TLS and 1 ms.: to Louisa Messolong­hites Feb. 12, 1966; to George Bailey Feb. 7, 1968. 3 to Donald Allen: Jan. 17, 1968 (with ms: "Precis of an Article for Reporter Magazine on Soviet Involve­ment in Vietnam," Typescript w. holo. corr., 3 p.); Jan. 17, 1968; Oct. 27, 1966; to Louisa Messolonghites Oct. 13, 1965; 4 to Philip Horton: Aug. 6, July 2, June 27, May 3, 1961. Wehrwein, Austin C. to Donald A. Allan TLS Sept. 22, 1965. Weil, Andrew T. 5 TLS to Louisa Messolonghites (unless otherwise noted): Aug. 25, July 30, July 22, June 3, to MA May 20, 1966.


Weaver, James H. Weaver, John C Weaver, Robert C. Weaver, Warren Jr. Weaver, William Weeks, Albert L. Wehrwein, Austin C. Weil Andrew, T. Messolonghites, Louisa Horton, Philip Bingham, Robert Bailey, George Allen, Donald Allan, Donald A. Bailey, George

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.24.6

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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