sottofascicolo 2 VIA-VOT
100 ca. docc.
incl: (7) Vidal, Gore ALS to Nora Magid addressed as "Calvin Coolidge" , n.d. signed "Gertrude Starks"; 2 TLS to Robert Bingham: July 17, Feb. 28, 1957 (with ms: untitled book review of the Journal of Maurice Paleologue; xeroxed typescript; 5 p.). Vieg, John A. to Irving Kristol March 14, 1959. Viereck, Peter to Robert Bingham (unless otherwise noted) 4 TLS unless otherwise noted: April 12, n.d.; April 10, n.d.; TL March 8, 1962; to MA Sept. 15, 1959. Villard, Henry S. to "Editors" TLS May 1, 1963. Vincent, John Carter to Philip Horton TLS Jan. 14, n.d., 1 p. (with untitled ms. on Mutual Defence Treaty with Nationalist China, Typescript w. holo. corr. and author's signature; 6 p.); TLS Dec. 16, 1954; ALS Sept. 6, n.d. Vincent, Clark E. to Robert Bingham TLS May 23, 1960. Viorst, Milton to Robert Bingham (unless otherwise noted) 5 TLS: July 21, 1964; Sept. 3, n.d.; March 21, 1963; Dec. 16, 1963; to Allen Aug. 19, n.d.; ALS to Philip Horton Aug. 22, 1963. Vorspang Albert to Louisa Daicher (unless otherwise noted) 3 TLS: Oct. 22, 1958; May 15, n.d.; to Hanne Ansell Feb. 7, 1957.
Vidal, Gore Vieg, John A. Viereck, Peter Villard, Henry S. Vincent, John Carter Vincent, Clark E. Viorst, Milton Vorspan, Albert Magid, Nora Bingham, Robert Kristol, Irving Horton, Philip Daicher, Louisa Ansell, Hanne Coolidge, Calvin Starks, Gertrude
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.23.2
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni