sottofascicolo 5 SCHM-SCHU
300 ca. docc.
incl: (4) Schmidhauser, John R. to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted); 4 TLS: Nov. 29, 1966 (with ms: biographical sketch of JRS, Typescript, 1 p.; Aug. 21, 1959; June 5, 1958; to MA Aug. 21, 1956. Schmidt, Dana Adams to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted) TLS Oct. 27, 1967; 2 Telegrams: to MA July 21, 1967; July 21, 1967; TLS April 4, 1960. Schmitt, Hans Telegram to "Reporter" Jan. 4, 1958; TLS to "Editors" Dec. 17, 1957. Schmitt, Karl M. to Donald A. Allen TLS Feb. 28, ALS Jan. 24, 1964. Schneir, Walter to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted) 7 TLS: to Robert Bingham Feb. 16, 1964; Dec. 11, 1960; to MA Oct. 10, 1960; Feb. 23, 1960; Jan. 25, 1960; to Irving Kristol Aug. 6, 1959; May 24, 1960, (with CTL to Hon. Jack Westland, May 23, 1960). Clark, Joseph S. to MA TLS May 16, 1960 (with photocopy TL from Frank K. Pittman to JSC, n.d., 3 p.) (Filed with Schneir, Walter.) Schorer, Mark to Robert Bingham 3 TLS: Oct. 28, Nov. 28, Sept. 24, 1963. Schorer, Alvin L. to Louisa Messolonghites (unless otherwise noted) ALS March 29, 1965; 3 TLS: April 2, 1965; to Philip Horton March 1, 1965 (with ms: "National Community and Housing Policy" Xeroxed typescript w. holo. corr.; 20 p.); to PH April 3, 1964. Schorr, Daniel to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted) 2 telegrams: Feb. 4, 1963; Sept. 14, n.d.; 3 TLS: May 5, n.d.; April 3, 1961; June 14, 1960. Schrag, Peter to MA TLS April 5, 1957. Landsberg, Hans to Philip Horton TLS Nov. 22, 1960 (Filed with Schultz, T.W.) Schur, Edwin M. to Louisa Messolonghites TLS Jan. 26, 1960. Schwartz, Delmore Manuscript of Poem: "A dream of Whitman paraphrased, recognized and made more Vivid by Renoir" Typescript w. holo. corr; 2 p., Signed. Schwartz, Louis B. to MA TLS Dec. 17, 1962. Schwarz, Walter to Louisa Messolonghites (unless otherwise noted) 2 TLS: Nov. 17, 1958; July 9, 1958 (with ms: "Writing 0ff the Negev?" Typescript w. holo. corr; 1 p.) TLS to MA Nov. 4, n.d. Scott, John to Philip Horton TLS Feb. 2, [1966].
Schmidhauser, John R. Schmidt, Dana Adams Schmitt, Hans Schmitt, Karl M. Schneir, Walter Clark, Joseph S. Schorer, Mark Schorer, Alvin L. Schorr, Daniel Schrag, Peter Landsberg, Hans H. Schur, Edwin M. Schwartz, Delmore Schwartz, Louis B. Schwarz, Walter Scott, John Horton, Philip Allan, Donald A. Bingham, Robert Kristol, Irving Westland, Jack Pittman, Frank K. Messolonghites, Louisa Schultz, T.W.
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.20.5
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni