| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 17 Rivers, William


Letters 30 (all TLS unless otherwise noted), telegrams 4, mss. 6
40 docc.


(5) WR to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted) April 29, 1967; Dec. 19, 1963; to Robert Bingham Dec. 29, 1961; to RB Nov. 1, n.d.; Photocopy TLS Oct. 7, 1962; to Douglass Cater Nov. 4, Telegram to Robert Bingham Oct. 27, Telegram to RB Oct. 31, TL Jan. 7, 1961; TL to Douglass Cater n.d.;.n.d.; n.d.; Aug. 30, 1960 (with ms: "Notes on Textbook Article" Typescript; 7 p.); Aug. 4, Telegram June 12, Telegram June 7, Jan. 30, April 9, 1960; 4 Mss: "Memo on The Texas Liberals Typescript, 2 p.; "Memo on The Texas Observer" Typescript, 1 p.; "Memo on a Lyndon Johnson Backround piece." Typescript w. holo. corr.; 1 p.; "Memo on Mexican Segregation in Texas" Typescript; 1 p.; Feb. 17, Feb. 1, Jan. 26, Jan. 30, Jan. 8, 1960; Dec. 11, Nov. 19, Nov. 4, 1959; ALS n.d.; ALS (postcard) Aug. 31, Aug. 19, July 26, July 27, 1959 (with ms. fragment on the Florida land craze. Typescript w. holo. corr.; 7 p.); to Irving Kristol July 5, 1959; [June 23, 1959] Sept. 25, 1957.


Rivers, William L. Horton, Philip Bingham, Robert Cater, Douglass Kristol, Irving

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.19.17

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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