| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 12 ROT-ROZ


75 ca. docc.


incl: (8) Rotberg, Robert I. to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted) 10 TLS and 1 ms.: Feb. 15, Jan. 25, 1962; Dec. 8, 1961 (with ms: "Northern Rhodesia" Carbon typescript w. holo. corr.; 3 p.); Nov. 17, May 23, to Louisa Messolonghites March 31, to Max Ascoli Feb. 10, to Elizabeth Parsons Jan. 9, 1961; to Louisa Messolonghites May 4, to Robert Bingham March 31, 1959. Roth, Andrew to Philip Horton TLS Oct. 23, 1957. Roth, Philip 3 TLS: to Irving Kristol Aug. 2, 1959; 2 to "Sir" May 21, 1957, April 12, 1957. Rothberg, Abraham to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted) 8 TLS: Feb. 3, April 10, 1967; March 30, 1963; Aug. 15: to Elizabeth Layne June 25; July 19: to Gouverneur Paulding April 20, to Louisa Messolonghites June 11, 1962. Rothschild, J.H. to Max Ascoli TLS June 3, 1960. Rowan, Helen to Philip Horton TLS July 11, 1966. Rowen, Hobart 4 TLS to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted) Oct. 1, 1962; Oct. 10, n.d.; TL to Elizabeth Layne May 2, to Robert Bingham May 5, 1962.


Rotberg, Robert I. Roth, Andrew Roth, Philip Rothberg, Abraham Rothschild, J.H. Rowan, Helen Rowen, Hobart Horton, Philip Messolonghites, Louisa Parsons, Elizabeth Bingham, Robert Kristol, Irving Layne, Elizabeth

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.19.12

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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