| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 8 ROA-ROB


100 ca. docc.


incl: (4) Roberts, John G. 2 TLS: to Philip Horton July 7, to "Editor" June 23; Telegram to Philip Horton: July 1, 1960; 2 TLS to Irving Kristol: Dec, 7, 1959; Dec. 29, 1960. Roberts, P. Craig to MA 2 TLS: May 1, April 21, 1966. Roberts, Steven V. to Philip Horton TLS Dec. 5, 1967, Landsberg, Hans H, to Philip Horton TLS Aug. 6, 1964 (Filed with Robinson, Charles R.) Robinson, Marshall A. to Irving Kristol TLS July 23, 1959. Robock, Stefan H. TLS to Philip Horton June 8, 1962. (with 2 mss: "Our Thirty Days and Nights With the Visiting Soviets" Carbon Typescript; 22 p. Untitled 2nd version of same. Carbon typescript w. holo. corr.; 17 p.); ALS to PH March 28, 1960. Roche, John P. to Robert Bingham (unless otherwise noted) 13 letters: TL Sept. 21, 2 ALS June 8, March 16, 2 TLS March 3, Jan. 23, 4 ALS Feb. 7, Jan. 9, 1964; July 1, 1965; Feb. 12, 1963; TLS to Nora Magid Aug. 6, 1964; ALS Aug. 16, 1963; TLS to Elizabeth Layne March 30, 1963. Rodgers, William H. to Louisa Messolonghites (unless other­wise noted) 5 TLS: Sept. 22, 1963; to MA March 4, 1967; Sept. 17, 1963; to Philip Horton May 26, 1958; to Harlan Cleveland Jan. 27, 1953. Wojciechowska, Maia [signed as Maia Rodman] to Philip Horton TLS Jan. 27, 1959. Rogow, Arnold A. 3 TLS: to MA July 23, 1957; to Nora Magid Dec. 3, 1956; to "Editor" Nov. 26, 1956.


Roberts, John G. Roberts, P. Craig Roberts, Steven V. Landsberg, Hans H. Robinson, Charles R. Robinson, Marshall A. Robock, Stefan H. Roche, John P. Rodgers, William H. Wojciechowska, Maia Rogow, Arnold A. Horton, Philip Kristol, Irving Bingham, Robert Layne, Elizabeth Magid, Nora Messolonghites, Louisa Cleveland, Harlan Rodman, Maia

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.19.8

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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