| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 9 PIA-PIN


150 ca. docc.


incl: (8) Pickhardt, Carl to Philip Horton TLS June 8, 1963. Pilat, Oliver to Robert Bingham 6 TLS: Feb. 1, 1965; March 2, 1963; n.d.; March 7, 1962; June 23, 1961; May 31, 1961. Pilpel, Harriet F. to "Editor" TLS April 9, 1965. Piquet, Howard S. to Theodore Draper (unless otherwise noted) 5 TLS: Jan. 4, 1960; Dec. 11, 1959; Dec. 1 1959; Nov. 24, 1959; Dec. 31, 1959. Pirsig, Robert M. to Robert Bingham (unless otherwise noted) 3 TLS: Oct. 6, Oct. 7, to Max Ascoli Sept. 17, 1964. Pitchell, Robert J. to MA (unless otherwise noted) 3 TLS: March 25, to Louisa Messolonghites March 26, March 3, 1957. Pitzele, Mel to Philip Horton TLS June 5, 1958. Harrison, Gilbert A. to Louisa Messolonghites TLS July 2, 1965 (Filed with Planer, Ed) Plath, David W. to MA TLS Dec. 30, 1960. Ploss, Sidney I. to "Editor" TLS Aug. 24, 1962. Plotnick, Alan R. to Louisa Messolonghites (Ășnless otherwise noted) 10 TLS: Aug. 5, July 13, March 20, Jan. 6, 1964; May 10, April 19, to Irving Kristol Jan. 6, March 11, Feb. 5, Jan. 28, 1963.


Pickhardt, Carl Pilat, Oliver Pilpel, Harriet F. Piquet, Howard S. Pirsig, Robert M. Pitchell, Robert J. Pitzele, Mel Plath, David W. Ploss, Sidney I. Plotnick, Alan R. Horton, Philip Bingham, Robert Draper, Theodore Messolonghites, Louisa Kristol, Irving Harrison, Gilbert A.

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.17.9

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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