| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 5 NU-NY


30 ca. docc.


incl: (2) Nugent, John P. 12 TLS unless noted otherwise, 3 telegrams. to Derek Morgan May 7, 1963; 2 to Philip Horton March 14, 1963; Dec. 19, 1962; 2 Telegrams to PH: Dec. 20, 1962, Nov. 8, 1962; 3 to PH May 28, May 31, March 26, 1962; to "Reporter" Feb. 26, 1962; 4 to Robert Bingham: Feb. 19, Jan. 23, Jan. 2, Jan. 5, 1962; Telegram to RB: Jan. 11, 1961; to RB Oct. 21, 1961.


Nugent, John P. Morgan, Derek Horton, Philip Bingham, Robert

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.15.5

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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