sottofascicolo 2 NE
100 ca. docc.
incl: (9) Needler, Martin C. 2 TLS: to "Gentlemen" Nov. 20, 1962; to "Editors" Nov. 5, 1962. Nemerov, Howard to Robert Bingham (unless otherwise noted) 12 TLS (unless noted otherwise) and 2 mss.: May 31, 1964; (postcard) Aug. 28, 1963; Sept. 13, Aug. 18, Aug. 13, May 5, April 22, Feb. 4, Mar. 28, (with ms. of poem: "Sarajevo" Typescript, 1 p.), Feb. 16, 1963 (with ms. of poem, early version: "The Breaking of Rainbows" typescript w. holo. corr., 1 p.); to Elizabeth Layne Dec. 14, 1962; Feb. 16, 1960. Nettl, Bruno to "Reporter" TLS March 16, 1959. Neugeboren, Jay to J. Morse TLS July 21, 1964. Neumann, Robert G. to Philip Horton 2 TLS: Sept. 24, April 3, 1963. Newfield, Jack to Robert Cowley TLS n.d. [1965?] Neville, Robert to Robert Bingham 2 TLS: Sept. 3, Aug. 5, 1958. Castro, Fidel and Jorge Quintana 2 Telegrams: Telegram to MA: Jan. 19, 1959 (Filed with Newman, HI); Telegram: to Philip Horton: Jan. 19, 1959 (Filed with Newman, HR) Newman, Edwin to Philip Horton TLS Aug. 10, 1962. Newman, Peter Charles to Philip Horton 5 TLS: June 15, July 7, May 13, April 14, April 30, 1959.
Needler, Martin C. Nemerov, Howard Netti, Bruno Neugeboren, Jay Neumann, Robert G. Newfield, Jack Neville, Robert Castro, Fidel Newman, Edwin Newman, Peter Charles Bingham, Robert Layne, Elizabeth Horton, Philip Cowley, Robert Quintana, Jorge
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.15.2
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni