| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 45 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick


Letters 26, mss. 2
28 docc.


incl: (7) TLS to Donald Allen Feb. 5, 1965; TLS to Robert Bingham Nov. 16, 1964; TLS to RB Feb. 10, 1964 (with untitled ms. by Seymour Wolfbein, Typescript w. holo. corr.; 4 p.); TLS to Philip Horton Jan. 6, 1964; TLS to PH Aug. 8, 1961; TLS to Robert Bingham April 24, 1961 (with untitled ms., typescript 1 p.); Xeroxed TL to Robert Bingham n.d. (with ms: "A Note on the Parochial School Issue" Xeroxed type­script w. holo. corr., 14 p.); TLS to RB Dec. 19, [1960]; TLS to Philip Horton May 20, 1960; TLS to PH n.d.; TLS to Ned [Chase?] June 8, 1960; TLS to Robert Bingham Dec. 14, 1959; TLS to RB Dec. 3, 1959; Richardson, Elliot Ms (untitled) written in response to an article by DPM, Typescript w. holo. corr., 7 p.; TLS to RB n.d.; TLS to RB May 15, 1959; TLS to Louisa Messolonghites May 6, 1959; TLS to Elizabeth Layne May 1, 1959; TLS to EL April 24, 1959; TLS to Robert Bingham n.d.;.TLS to RB Oct. 6, 1958; TLS to RB n.d.; TLS to Alice [Tripp] Jan. 7, 1960; TLS to Robert Bingham Jan. 15, n.d.; TLS to RB Jan. 13, 1960; TLS to RB July 20, 1960.


Moynihan, Daniel Patrick Allen, Donald Bingham, Robert Wolfbein, Seymour Horton, Philip Chase, Edward Tinsley Richardson, Elliot Messolonghites, Louisa Layne, Elizabeth

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.14.45

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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