| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 22 MIH-MIL


20 ca. docc.


incl: (8) Weeks, Edwards to Philip Horton TLS March 21, 1962 (Filed with Millan, Enrique) Milla, T.B. to Donald Allan TLS Sept. 16, 1966; Telegram: Sept. 15, 1966. Miller, Nathan to Donald Allan 2 TLS: March 18, 1968; April 15, 1966. Millgate, Michael to Philip Horton TLS Sept. 10, 1957. Millis, Walter to Philip Horton TLS n.d. Milner, Jay to Louisa Messolonghites 4 TLS, 1 Telegram: Sept. 27, Sept. 12, Telegram: Sept. 12, Sept. 10, Aug. 28, 1962. Milner, Esther TLS to MA March 1957 ; ALS to Robert Horton Oct. 19, 1955.


Weeks, Edward Millan, Enrique Milla, T.B. Miller, Nathan Miligate, Michael Millis, Walter Milner, Jay Milner, Esther Horton, Philip Allan, Donald A. Messolonghites, Louisa Horton, Robert

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.14.22

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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