| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 18 MEH-MEI


100 ca. docc.


incl: (4) Mehta, Ved to Philip Horton 6 TLS: Jan. 23, Jan. 14, Jan. 9, 1961; June 1, Oct. 20, May 13, 1960. Meier, August 2 TLS: to Robert Bingham TLS March 13, 1963; to Philip Horton TLS July 19, 1961. Meisler, Stanley 11 letters and 3 mss, TLS unless noted otherwise. 2 to Derek Morgan: Jan. 30, Jan. 28, 1964; to Philip Horton TLS Aug. 19, 1963 (with ms: story revisions, typescript w. holo. corr., 3 p.); to PH photocopy TLS Aug. 19, 1963 (with ms: "The First Federal Failure in Prince Edward County." Xeroxed typescript w. holo corr.; 16 p.); 2 to Derek Morgan: Oct. 27, 1963; Sept. 22, 1963 (with ms: "The Grumbling Young Men of Miseria." Typescript w. holo. corr., 14 p.); to Philip Horton Aug. 19, 1963; to Donald Allan May 26, 1963; to Derek Morgan May 11, 1963; to Robert Bingham May 25, 1963; to Derek Morgan Nov. 29, 1962.


Mehta, Ved Meier, August Meisler, Stanley Horton, Philip Bingham, Robert Morgan, Derek Allan, Donald A.

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.14.18

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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