| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 1 McA - McG


200 ca. docc.


incl: (1) MacCann, Richard Dyer to Philip Horton TLS Nov. 14, 1962; McCleary, Elliott to Donald Allan TLS July 20, 1965. McCree, Wade Hampton, Jr. to Max Ascoli TLS Sept. 18, 1962. McDowell, Edwin to Donald Allan (unless otherwise noted) 5 TLS: March 30, 1968; April 10, 1965; to Robert Bingham Feb. 10, to RB Feb, 6, to RB Jan. 30, 1964. MacFarquhar, Roderick to "Foreign Editor" TLS June 20, 1962. McGill, Ralph 1 letter and 1 telegram: Telegram to "Editors" Sept. 29, TLS to "Editors". Sept. 28, 1960. McGuigan, Dorothy Gies to Irving Kristol TLS July 16, 1959. McGrady, Patrick M. to Max Ascoli TLS Oct. 5, 1965.


MacCann, Richard Dyer McCleary, Elliott McCree, Wade Hampton Jr. McDowell, Edwin MacFarquhar, Roderick McGill, Ralph McGuigan, Dorothy Gies McGrady, Patrick M. Horton, Philip Allan, Donald A. Bingham, Robert Kristol, Irving

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.14.1

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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