sottofascicolo 6 KIR-KLU
120 ca. docc.
incl: (6) Kjrkpatrick, Lyman B. to Philip Horton 3 TLS: March 19, July 17, Feb, 27, 1967 (with untitled ms., typescript w. holo. corrections; 8 p.) Kitchen, Helen to Philip Horton 2 TLS: Jan. 23, 1967; May 4, 1965. Kitman, Marvin to Lynn Nesbit TLS n.d. [1962], 2 p. Kizer, Benjamin H. to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted). 7 TLS: May 18, 1965; to "Editors" October 17, 1964; Nov. 23, 1962; Oct. 23, June 10, Nov. 4, 1960; Sept. 19, 1959. Klass, Philip to Philip Horton 4 TLS: Jan. 15, 1963; Dec. 15, [1962] Jan.4, 1963; Dec. 20, 1962. Klein, Martin to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted). 5 TLS: Feb. 10, March 18, Jan. 22, to "Reporter," Jan. 8, 1964 (with story outline typescript, 1 p.); to "Reporter" Nov. 16, 1963 (with untitled ms: typescript w. holo. corr., 4 p.). Klein, Stanley to Nora L. Magid TLS Feb. 22, 1963. Klein, Woody 2 TLS: to Philip Horton Aug. 23, 1967; to Louisa Messolonghites Aug, 21, 1964. Kluckhohn, Frank L. to Philip Horton Feb. 23, 1965; Dec. 16, Dec. 26, Dec. 2, Oct. 1961 (with story outline: Typescript, 2 p.)
Horton, Philip Nesbit, Lynn Magid, Nora Messolonghites, Louisa Kjrkpatrick, Lyman B. Kitchen, Helen Kitman, Marvin Kizer, Benjamin H. Klass, Philip Klein, Martin Klein, Stanley Klein, Woody Kluckhohn, Frank L.
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.12.6
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni