sottofascicolo 15 HUB-HUM
150 ca. docc.
incl: (6) Hudson, Darril to Philip Horton 5 letters: 3 TLS: Sept. 9, Sept. 11, June 30, 1961 (with holograph postscript), ALS June 7, 1961; TLS April 17, 1961. Baker, Richard T. to Philip Horton TLS Feb. 3, 1964 (Filed with Hufnagel, James A.) Hughes, H. Stuart TLS to Derek Morgan, Aug. 31, 1959; ALS (postcard) to Nora Magid June 15, 1959. Hughes, John 9 letters, 2 telegrams. 3 TLS to Philip Horton: Aug. 15, July 19, June 1,1967; Telegram to PH: July 20, 1966; TLS to PH April 11, 1966; Telegram: to PH n.d.; 5 TLS to Louisa Messolonghites: April 10, April 8, March 27, Feb. 25, Jan. 27, 1962; 2 TLS to Louisa Messolonghites: June 20, May 20, 1961; TLS to MA April 25 1961; Telegram to Philip Horton: Aug. 24, 1961. Hughes, Richard to Philip Horton 3 TLS: Dec. 27, Aug. 19, July 31, 1961. Hughes, Thomas L. to Philip Horton 4 TLS: May 20, 1966; March 4, March 23, Jan. 19, 1959. Hughes, Wilfrid Kent to Philip Horton 2 TLS: Sept. 20, Sept. 6, 1965. Hull, Raymond to Philip Horton TLS Oct. 29, 1963.
Hudson, Darril Baker Richard T. Hufnagel, James A. Hughes, H. Stuart Hughes, John Hughes, Richard Hughes, Thomas L. Hughes, Wilfrid Kent Hull, Raymond Horton, Philip Morgan, Derek Magid, Nora Messolonghites, Louisa
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.9.15
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni