sottofascicolo 11 HOA-HOG
120 ca. docc.
incl: (2) Hobby, W.P., Jr. to Robert Bingham TLS Sept. 17, 1959. Hoffman, Paul 2 letters and 1 ms. 2 TLS: to Robert Cowiey, Aug. 23, April 10, 1966, (with ms: "Church and State in the Empire State." Typescript w. holo. corr.; 2 p.) Hoffmann, Stanley to MA ALS Dec. 21, 1963. Hofstader, Richard to Philip Horton 3 TLS: Feb. 27, n.d.; Jan. 23, Jan. 15, 1960. Hoge, James F. to Philip Horton TLS Jan. 22, 1963.
Hobby, W.P. Jr. Hoffman, Paul Gray Hoffmann, Stanley Hofstader, Richard Hoge, James F. Horton, Philip Cowiey, Robert Bingham, Robert
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.9.11
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni