| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 10 HIA-HIZ


120 ca. docc.


incl: (1) Hillbruner, Anthony to Irving Kristol TLS June 28, 1959. Hilsman, Roger to Philip Horton 3 TLS: May 2, 1967; April 17, 1964; Sept. 15, 1962. Hindus, Milton to MA TLS Jan. 2, 1963. Hine, Al to Philip Horton TLS Nov. 5, 1960. Hirsch, Felix E. to Philip Horton TLS Aug. 17, 1959. Hirschmann, Ira A. TLS to Philip Horton, Aug. 11, 1960, 1 p., (with ms: "Additional Observations and Recom­mendations." Carbon typescript, 4 p.). ALS to MA June 17, 1960.


Hillbruner, Anthony Hilsman, Roger Hindus, Milton Hine, Al Hirsch, Felix E. Hirschmann, Ira Arthur Kristol, Irving Horton, Philip

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.9.10

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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