sottofascicolo 5 GIM-GL
80 ca. docc.
incl: (7) Ginzberg, Eli to Philip Horton (unless otherwise noted) 6 letters: TLS Aug. 15, 1967, to George Bailey, TLS March 26, 1968; Photocopy TLS Aug. 15, 1967; Photocopy TLS Jan. 5, 1968; TLS Oct. 10, 1967; TLS to MA Oct. 2, 1964. Karnow, Stanley to Philip Horton TLS Nov. 17, 1962, 1 p. (Filed with Giuglaris, Marcel) Gladwyn, Rt. Hon. Lord to Philip Horton 5 letters and telegrams: 2 TLS: Aug. 18, Aug. 16, 1966; Telegram: Aug. 17, 1966, 1 p.; Telegram: July 29, 1966; TLS July 14, 1966. Glazer, Nathan to Irving Kristol ALS March 30, 1959, 1 p. Gleason Gene 2 TLS: to Philip Horton July 6, 1960; Louisa Messolonghites Feb. 7, 1959. Glick, Edward B. 3 TLS: to MA Sept. 17, 1964; to "Editors" Aug. 13, 1963; to MA June 5, 1961. to Philip Horton TLS June 16, 1969; to MA ALS June 16, 1959; to Louisa Messolonghites TLS June 26, 1959. (7)
Ginzberg, Eli Karnow, Stanley Gladwyn, Philip Horton Glazer, Nathan Gleason, Gene Glick, Edward B. Horton, Philip Bailey, George Kristol, Irving Messolonghites, Louisa Giuglaris, Marcel
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.8.5
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni