sottofascicolo 3 EM-EZ
120 ca. docc.
incl: (18) Engels, John to Robert Bingham (unless otherwise noted.) 7 TLS: Sept. 10, 1964; April 14, [1964?]; to Alice Tripp Feb. 7, 1964, 1 p; Jan. 20, [1964?]; Oct. 10, [1964?]; Aug. 8, 1963; to "Editors" March 5, 1963. Etzioni, Amitai 3 TLS: to Philip Horton Jan. 3, 1961; to "Editor" June 5, 1963; to Max Ascoli April 30, 1965. Stowe, Leland to Philip Horton TLS Aug. 24, 1961, 1 p. (Filed with Eskelund, Karl.) Esman, Milton J. to MA TLS March 15, 1960, 1 p. Evans, Rowland to MA TLS Dec. 13, 1962, 1 p. Ewing, David Walkley to MA TLS Nov. 21,1963, 1 p.
Engels, John Etzioni, Amitai Stowe, Leland Eskelund, Karl Esman, Milton J. Evans, Rowland Jr. Ewing, David Walkley Bingham, Robert Tripp, Alice W. Horton, Philip
Segnatura archivistica
Max Ascoli, 1.6.3
Max Ascoli
1898 - 1978
209 faldoni