| archivio storico

sottofascicolo 1 DH-DAU


120 ca. docc.


incl:(6) Dabney, Virginius to MA TLS Jan, 21, 1963, 1 p.. Daland, Robert T, to MA Dec, 12, 1964, 3 p.. Dale, Richard to "Editor," TLS May 2, 1966, 1 p.. Dallin, Alexander to Philip Horton 2 TLS; July 21, 1966, 1 May 1, 1966, 1 p.. Daniels, Robert V. to Philip Horton 2 TLS: Oct. 16, Oct. 3, 1961, Danielson, Michael N, to Philip Horton. 6 TLS and 1 ms: June 3, 1965; May 17, 1965; Dec. 22, 1964; Nov. 5, 1964; July 22, 1964; (with ms: "Washington and the Cities - ­Some Lessons of the Transit Bill." Mimeographed type­script, 14 p.); June 26, 1964. Dapper, Gloria to Philip Horton. 2 TLS: Sept. 24, 1959; Nov. 6, 1965.Darling, Paul G. to MA TLS Jan. 6, 1961, 1 p.


Dabney, Virginius Daland, Robert T. Dale, Richard Dallin, Alexander Daniels, Robert V Danielson, Michael N. Dapper, Gloria Darling, Paul G. Horton, Philip

Segnatura archivistica

Max Ascoli, 1.5.1

Max Ascoli

1898 - 1978

209 faldoni

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